Format scroll bars macvim
Format scroll bars macvim

format scroll bars macvim

Use :verbose map to also see where it was last mapped.On Unix-like systems $HOME/.vimrc to see what is mapped to and in which mode. The canonical location for your vimrc and your vim directory is at on Windows, $HOME is usually C:\Users\username\.


  • on Mac OS X, $HOME is /Users/username/,.
  • on Linux, BSD and Cygwin, $HOME is usually /home/username/,.
  • Whatever you do to customize Vim, it should NEVER happen outside of $HOME: wrap long line wrap) you can press CR to access the documentation for this option.

    format scroll bars macvim

    set nowrap) you can press CR to toggle the value (if it's a binary value). Scrolloff number of screen lines to show around the cursor Scroll number of lines to scroll for CTRL-U and CTRL-D There are 26 sections to display all options you can try. This will open a split with all Vim options listed and with their current value displayed. If you don't know which options you should use, you may be interested in the :options command. For a full reference see the :h $MYVIMRC documentation article. The first that exists is used, the others are ignored. On startup, Vim will search in multiple places for a vimrc file. Windows: on Windows it will be called _vimrc and located in your home directory ( %HOMEPATH%/_vimrc). vimrc and usually be located in your home directory ( $HOME/.vimrc). Unix: on a Unix system such as Mac or Linux your vimrc will be called. To find out where Vim expects the vimrc file to be stored, open Vim and run: :echo $MYVIMRC It holds commands that will be executed by Vim every time it starts.īy default the file is empty or non-existent you can use it to customize your Vim environment. vimrc file (pronounced Vim-wreck) is a Vim configuration file. vglobal: Execute commands on lines that do not match globally.Useful configurations that can be put in.Get :help (using Vim's built-in manual).Converting text files from DOS to UNIX with vi.Ask to create non-existant directories upon saving a new file.

    Format scroll bars macvim